October 11, 2004


1. Who or what is on your computer's wallpaper?
2. Go through your DVD/pre-bought video collection. Which three actors or actresses feature the most in them?
3. Go through your book shelves. Which three authors have written the majority of the books?
4. And what about CDs?
5. Open up the picture folder(s) on your hard drive. Of which actor/actress/movie/tv series/musician do you have the most pictures?
6. And what about your Live Journal user pictures?

Found at Lisa's.

Posted by Gary LaPointe on Mon, Oct 11, 2004 (ID #LM000881)

June 9, 2004

Cult TV

Untouched means I've never seen it. Italics means I've seen it at least once. ("I" tag) Bold means I watched it a lot or watched it religiously. ("B" tag) Struck out means I've seen it but didn't like it. ("strike" tag) 30. Square Pegs 29. Rags to Riches 28. Wonderfalls 27. The Daily Show 26. Firefly 25. Freaks and Geeks 24. Absolutely Fabulous 23. Forever Knight 22. H. R. Pufnstuf 21. Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman 20. Twin Peaks 19. Dark Shadows 18. Doctor Who 17. The Avengers 16. My So-Called Life 15. Quantum Leap 14. Beauty and the Beast 13. Babylon 5 12. Family Guy 11. Mystery Science Theater 3000 10. Pee-Wee's Playhouse 9. Xena: Warrior Princess 8. The Twilight Zone 7. The Prisoner 6. The Simpsons 5. Monty Python's Flying Circus 4. Farscape 3. Buffy the Vampire Slayer 2. The X-Files 1. Star Trek I found this at ShyLux but it didn't originate there (and I couldn't track it back very far).
Posted by Gary LaPointe on Wed, Jun 9, 2004 (ID #LM000583)

May 28, 2004

Another (5) Book Meme

1. Take five books off your bookshelf.
2. Book #1 -- first sentence
3. Book #2 -- last sentence on page fifty
4. Book #3 -- second sentence on page one hundred
5. Book #4 -- next to the last sentence on page one hundred fifty
6. Book #5 -- final sentence of the book
7. Make the five sentences into a paragraph:

Tracked this back through a dozen blogs, was hopeful to find the source, but no...

Posted by Gary LaPointe on Fri, May 28, 2004 (ID #LM000513) | Comments (1) | TrackBack

May 23, 2004

Music Meme

Here's how it works:
1. Grab the nearest CD.
2. Put it in your CD-Player (or start your mp3-player, I-tunes, etc.).
3. Skip to Song 3 (or load the 3rd song in your 3rd playlist)
4. Post the first verse in your journal along with these instructions. Don’t name the band, nor the album-title.

Posted by Gary LaPointe on Sun, May 23, 2004 (ID #LM000494) | TrackBack

Book Meme (for Kids Books) -- Revised 

A book meme that's scooting around the blogosphere has bloggers posting a long list of classic novels and putting those they've read in bold-face type. It's a pretty canonical list -- Shakespeare, Dickens, all that kind of thing. Stuff you're kind-of embarassed if you haven't read -- though of course there are many on there that I haven't.

Here's my similar list of children's picture book titles, in something vaguely resembling chronological order. A canon, of sorts. Excluding fairy tales. I've read them all -- because I'm a smartypants and it's my list. But you, too, can read them all in about five minutes each, so what are you waiting for!? Instructions: if you're inclined, take the list -- bold those you've read, and add some commentary if you have any (I'd love to see what some readers think of these books) and post it on your blog.

Millions of Cats, by Wanda Gag
Angus and the Ducks, by Marjorie Flack
Caps for Sale, by Esphyr Slobodkina

The Man Who Didn't Wash His Dishes, by Phyllis Krasilovsky
Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel, by Virginia Lee Burton
Babar, by Jean de Brunhoff
Madeline, by Ludwig Bemelmans
The Runaway Bunny, by Margaret Wise Brown
Green Eggs and Ham, by Dr. Seuss
Bread and Jam for Frances, by Russell Hoban, illus. Lillian Hoban
Harold and the Purple Crayon, by Crockett Johnson
A Hole is to Dig, by Ruth Krauss, illus. Maurice Sendak
In the Night Kitchen, by Maurice Sendak
George and Martha, by James Marshall
Sylvester and the Magic Pebble, by William Steig
Harry the Dirty Dog, by Gene Zion, illus. Margaret Bloy Graham
Blueberries for Sal, by Robert McCloskey
Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present, by Charlotte Zolotow, illus. Maurice Sendak
Ira Sleeps Over, by Bernard Waber
A Color of His Own, by Leo Lionni
A Whistle for Willie, by Ezra Jack Keats
The Beast of Monsieur Racine, by Tomi Ungerer
Strega Nona, by Tomi De Paola
Eloise, by Kay Thompson, illus. Hilary Knight
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do You See? Bill Martin Jr., illus Eric Carle
Freight Train, by Donald Crews
Frog and Toad are Friends, by Arnold Lobel
Jamberry, by Bruce Degan
First Tomato, by Rosemary Wells
Hondo & Fabian, by Peter McCarty
My Friend Rabbit, by Eric Rohmann
Tuesday, by David Wiesner
Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin, by Lloyd Moss, illus. Marjorie Priceman
Charlie Parker Played Be Bop, by Chris Rashka

The original source for this looks to be http://readingtokid.blogspot.com/ but as it appears she may have discontinued blogging I am going to keep a copy of this here...

Posted by Gary LaPointe on Sun, May 23, 2004 (ID #LM000492) | TrackBack

9 Layers

A meme to peel aways the layers of you.

-- Name:
-- Birth date:
-- Birthplace:
-- Current Location:

-- Eye Color:
-- Hair Color:
-- Height:
-- Righty or Lefty:
-- Zodiac Sign:

-- Your heritage:
-- The shoes you wore today:
-- Your weakness:
-- Your fears:
-- Your perfect pizza:
-- Goal you'd like to achieve:

-- Your most overused phrase on AIM:
-- Your first waking thoughts:
-- Your best physical feature:
-- Your most missed memory:

-- Pepsi or Coke:
-- McDonald's or Burger King:
-- Single or group dates:
-- Adidas or Nike:
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:
-- Chocolate or vanilla:
-- Cappuccino or coffee:

-- Smoke:
-- Cuss:
-- Sing:
-- Take a shower everyday:
-- Do you think you've been in love:
-- Want to go to college:
-- Liked high school:
-- Want to get married:
-- Believe in yourself:
-- Get motion sickness:
-- Think you're attractive:
-- Think you're a health freak:
-- Get along with your parent(s):
-- Like thunderstorms:
-- Play an instrument:

LAYER SIX: In the past month...
-- Drank alcohol:
-- Smoked:
-- Done a drug:
-- Made Out:
-- Gone on a date:
-- Gone to the mall?:
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos?:
-- Eaten sushi:
-- Been on stage:
-- Been dumped:
-- Gone skating:
-- Made homemade cookies:
-- Gone skinny dipping:
-- Dyed your hair:
-- Stolen Anything:

-- Played a game that required removal of clothing:
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated:
-- Been caught "doing something":
-- Been called a tease:
-- Gotten beaten up:
-- Shoplifted:
-- Changed who you were to fit in:

-- Age you hope to be married:
-- Numbers and Names of Children:
-- Describe your Dream Wedding:
-- How do you want to die:
-- Where you want to go to college:
-- What do you want to be when you grow up:
-- What country would you most like to visit:

-- Number of drugs taken illegally:
-- Number of people I could trust with my life:
-- Number of CDs that I own:
-- Number of piercings:
-- Number of tattoos:
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?:
-- Number of scars on my body:
-- Number of things in my past that I regret:

Posted by Gary LaPointe on Sun, May 23, 2004 (ID #LM000481) | TrackBack

May 20, 2004

whole bunch of answers

A buncha questions (150) for you to answer.

1. Do you like having your picture taken.
2. Have you ever done a photo shoot, professional or non?
3. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
4. Who would you take with you on this adventure?

5. What would you say is the most daring thing to do in a lifetime.
6. Would you ever do that?
7. Have you ever done crossword puzzles?
8. Ever actually completed one?
9. Pick up the closest book and write a sentence at random from it.
10. Do the same with either a CD or a lyric from the radio.
11. Have you ever tried to analyze your own dreams?
12. Would you put up posters in your room?
13. Can you sing?
14. Do you ever sing to yourself while doing every day tasks?
15. What's your favorite color of post-it note?
16. How many cassette tapes do you own?
17. How many CDs do you own?
18. Ever bought a CD just for one song?
19. What would your perfect day consist of?
20. Have you ever lied to get off the phone or out of talking to someone online?
21. Have you ever written a survey?
22. How about a song? If so, share it.
23. Or maybe a poem? If so share it or one of them.
24. Is your VCR flashing 12:00 all the time?
25. Do you read your horoscope?
26. If so do you base your day on it?
27. Would you rather chew gum or use mouthwash, and why?
28. Do you floss?
29. Are you addicted to Napster like me?
30. How many times a year (about) are you sick?
31. Ever been in an airplane?
32. If so, where were you flying to?
33. What radio station do you listen to most?
34. What color are your shoes?
35. Was Fuzzy Wuzzy a bear?
36. Do you know how to play Dominos?
37. Or do you think I just mean pizza by that?
38. Speaking of pizza, what's your favorite kind?
39. What color are your eyes?
40. How many surveys have you filled out this lifetime?
41. Describe your bedroom. Include all details.
42. Name one person your life is made better by.
43. Would you or have you ever shaved your head?
44. How about someone else's?
45. Can you do math with ease?
46. What size is your computer screen?
47. If you could only talk to one person online who would it be?
48. Name your favorite type of music and why?
49. Are you a vegetarian?
50. How about an aspiring actor/actress?
51. What famous person, dead or alive, would you interview if you had the chance?
52. Which movie can you watch and say the lines along with the actors?
53. Name one of your passions in life.
54. What is your least favorite time of day?
55. Who is your favorite member in a band (singer, guitar, bass, drummer...) and why?
56. Do you use hairspray or gel?
57. Describe your favorite meal.
58. What color is the inside of your head when you close your eyes?
59. Ever listen to classical music?
60. Have you ever said LOL in real life without thinking about it.
61. Do you find you use Internet language when writing notes IRL?
62. What songs would be on your ideal CD?
63. Say one thing you learned today.
64. What is the best present you've ever given someone else?
65. What is the best present someone else has ever given you?
66. So hey, what's your full name?
67. Describe yourself while drunk.
68. How big are the windows in your house?
69. Do you wear a watch?
70. What's the kinkiest thing you've ever done with someone else?
71. What's the largest age difference between you and someone you've dated?
72. How many mirrors do you have?
73. Write one sentence you want people to say about you once you've passed on.
74. Have you ever sailed?
75. How fast can you run?
76. What do you believe in?
77. How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
78. Do you shower daily?
79. What one thing would you change in your life if you had the power to do so?
80. Describe the ideal superpower and what you would do if you had it.
81. Are candles romantic or a fire hazard?
82. Name something you've done in the last 24 hours, no matter how big or small.83. Do you wear necklaces/bracelets/anklets/earrings/rings?
84. What colors are you wearing right now?
85. How often do you change the sheets on your bed?
86. Have you ever gotten lost? If so, explain.
87. What's on your computer desk?
88. How many folders are on your desktop at the present moment?
89. When you're talking do you ever use your hands in the air to do quotation marks of certain words?
90. Which landmark would you climb if you could?
91. Do you own or have you read or thought of reading any self help books.
92. Ever seriously questioned your sanity?
93. Can you break-dance?
94. What's in your fridge right now?
95. How many people do you live with?
96. Have you or would you ever do anything more than kiss in a public area?
97. What is the strangest thing you've ever done?
98. Name an instrument you've never played but would like to.
99. Have you ever been on TV or the radio?
100. What is the worst thing anyone could ever do to you?
101. Are you a fast typer?
102. How high have you counted before getting bored?
103. Describe how you sleep.
104. Are you straight/bi/gay?
105. Do you ever do something else while on the computer? If so, what?
106. What is the most expensive item you own?
107. How about the least expensive?
108. What's your favorite card game to play?
109. What do you do online?
110. Name some stores you've bought clothes in before?
111. Have you ever read a book and not understood it? If so, which one?
112. Have you ever watched a movie and not understood it? If so, which one?
113. Do you think people pick up your slang language more than you pick up theirs?
114. Are you easily influences by other people or current trends?
115. What makes you unique (in your own opinion)?
116. Name your worst quality.
117. Name your best.
118. What would you like to do with your life?
119. Do you blow-dry your hair?
120. How many clocks are in your house?
121. Are they all set at the same time?
122. Have you ever intentionally set a clock ahead or behind the correct time?
123. What do you think about when you first wake up in the morning?
124. Which browser do you use?
125. Do you bite your nails?
126. Would you ever leave little notes to your gf/bf?
127. Ever been to a farm?
128. Tell me about your dream last night.
129. Ever seen a shooting star?
130. Say one thing about yourself you've never told anyone.
131. Do your days fly by or seem to last forever?
132. Have you ever stayed in a fancy, high class, rich hotel?
133. Have you ever stayed in a rent-by-the-hour motel?
134. What, in your opinion, is the best advertising slogan out there?
135. When they start sending rockets to the moon for us civillians will you be on the list to go?
136. How are you feeling right now?
137. Have you ever written anything on your skin?
138. If so what?
139. Which website do you frequent most often?
140. What color is most of your clothes?
141. Do you own any plants?
142. Are things as bad as they seem?
143. Describe the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you.
144. Have you ever looked directly at the sun?
145. Have you ever made a pin hole camera to watch the eclipse?
146. What's your favorite cereal?
147. Who do you miss?
148. Name something you just cannot forget, no matter how hard you try.
149. Describe the worst fight you've ever been in whether physical or verbal.
150. Say something else about yourself you've never told anyone before.

Posted by Gary LaPointe on Thu, May 20, 2004 (ID #LM000458) | TrackBack

ABCs of Music

List your favorite bands from A to Z.


I don't know where this originally came from but I found it here.

Posted by Gary LaPointe on Thu, May 20, 2004 (ID #LM000455) | Comments (1) | TrackBack

Top 100 Movies

Take this list of the top 100 movies from the IMDB and bold the movies you have seen. (I'm not sure where this is originally from). This list is from May 2004.

  1. Godfather, The (1972)
  2. Shawshank Redemption, The (1994)
  3. Godfather: Part II, The (1974)
  4. Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, The (2003)
  5. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, The (2002)
  6. Schindler's List (1993)
  7. Shichinin no samurai (1954)
  8. Casablanca (1942)
  9. Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, The (2001)
  10. Star Wars (1977)
  11. Citizen Kane (1941)
  12. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest (1975)
  13. Dr. Strangelove (1964)
  14. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
  15. Rear Window (1954)
  16. Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
  17. Pulp Fiction (1994)
  18. Usual Suspects, The (1995)
  19. Memento (2000)
  20. North by Northwest (1959)
  21. 12 Angry Men (1957)
  22. Buono, il brutto, il cattivo, Il (1966)
  23. Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
  24. Psycho (1960)
  25. Fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain, Le (2001)
  26. Silence of the Lambs, The (1991)
  27. It's a Wonderful Life (1946)
  28. Goodfellas (1990)
  29. American Beauty (1999)
  30. Sunset Blvd. (1950)
  31. Vertigo (1958)
  32. Matrix, The (1999)
  33. Cidade de Deus (2002)
  34. To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)
  35. C'era una volta il West (1968)
  36. Apocalypse Now (1979)
  37. Pianist, The (2002)
  38. Third Man, The (1949)
  39. Paths of Glory (1957)
  40. Taxi Driver (1976)
  41. Fight Club (1999)
  42. Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (2001)
  43. Some Like It Hot (1959)
  44. Double Indemnity (1944)
  45. Boot, Das (1981)
  46. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
  47. Singin' in the Rain (1952)
  48. Chinatown (1974)
  49. L.A. Confidential (1997)
  50. Maltese Falcon, The (1941)
  51. Requiem for a Dream (2000)
  52. All About Eve (1950)
  53. M (1931)
  54. Bridge on the River Kwai, The (1957)
  55. Se7en (1995)
  56. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
  57. Saving Private Ryan (1998)
  58. Rashômon (1950)
  59. Raging Bull (1980)
  60. Wizard of Oz, The (1939)
  61. Alien (1979)
  62. American History X (1998)
  63. Sting, The (1973)
  64. Léon (1994)
  65. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939)
  66. Manchurian Candidate, The (1962)
  67. Vita è bella, La (1997)
  68. Touch of Evil (1958)
  69. Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The (1948)
  70. Finding Nemo (2003)
  71. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
  72. Reservoir Dogs (1992)
  73. Great Escape, The (1963)
  74. Modern Times (1936)
  75. Clockwork Orange, A (1971)
  76. Amadeus (1984)
  77. On the Waterfront (1954)
  78. Ran (1985)
  79. Kill Bill: Vol. 1 (2003)
  80. Annie Hall (1977)
  81. Wo hu cang long (2000)
  82. Jaws (1975)
  83. Apartment, The (1960)
  84. Braveheart (1995)
  85. High Noon (1952)
  86. Aliens (1986)
  87. Fargo (1996)
  88. Strangers on a Train (1951)
  89. Shining, The (1980)
  90. Metropolis (1927)
  91. Blade Runner (1982)
  92. Sixth Sense, The (1999)
  93. City Lights (1931)
  94. Donnie Darko (2001)
  95. Duck Soup (1933)
  96. Great Dictator, The (1940)
  97. General, The (1927)
  98. Sjunde inseglet, Det (1957)
  99. Princess Bride, The (1987)
  100. Dogville (2003)

Posted by Gary LaPointe on Thu, May 20, 2004 (ID #LM000453) | Comments (1) | TrackBack